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Toker Poker
mini Bic

product drop email

This is the mini Bic Toker Poker product drop email. This email was targeted to the loyal customers that have email subscriptions. The first graphic the viewer sees is the Flash Sale, and with the bright yellow border it helps it get noticed and serves as a block so the viewer doesn't skip over all the info. Plus there's a trackable call to action with the "use code: funsize". The viewer will then flow down the page to see all the important and new features of the Toker Poker Mini Bic. First, is the comparison image to the mini and regular toker poker. It then goes on to call out the keychain attachment with the the photo and the text call out. Below that it goes on to show how pocket friendly the mini toker poker actually is. With the support of the text call out graphic, leaving the viewer with no question on the size. Again I used the comparison image to really hone in on the "mini" aspect of the Toker Poker. And ended it with different images to give the viewer some fun ideas and show them that there is endless options on how to carry your mini Toker Poker. 

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